Cinematic Highlights of our Videographers in Florida
Florida Keys – Islamorada
Our videographers in Florida will travel from coast to coast to shoot your wedding. We are based in Tampa Bay but we have shot weddings from Key West to Vero Beach to the West Coast of Florida. There are travel charges but depending on the season of your wedding they may be minimal. We enjoy shooting weddings on the East Coast for several reasons. The Atlantic Ocean tends to have more color than the Gulf of Mexico. We also like the “goldish” color of the beach on the east coast compared with the white sandy beaches of the west coast. This provides better contrast for your pictures. The west coast does have the best sunsets, however during most of the day, the lighting favors the east coast in the late afternoon. The sun tends to shine on the subjects rather than behind the subjects which means less backlighting issues for a photographer. Feel free to use the easy contact form on the right to ask us about our travel charges for your wedding. Here are some of the wedding highights of our videographpers in Florida.
Ft Lauderdale Yacht
Vero Beach Hotel & Spa
Key West – Waldorf Astoria
Orlando – Bella Collina Country Club
Lakeland – S bar S Barn
Sarasota – Powel Crosley Estate
Orlando – Four Seasons Resort Walt Disney World
Tampa Florida Aquarium
St Petersburg – Museum of Fine Arts
Video Rates
$1,195 | 6 hours | Basic Video Service Edited, includes Cinematic Highlight Video & Raw Footage delivered on DVD or Blu Ray with Personalized Case |
$1,495 | 6 hours | 2 Cameras Cinematic style Highlight Video (5-9min) & Documentary Style Long Version Video (90min – 2 hrs) 2 DVDs or Blu Ray with Personalized Case |
$1,895 | 11 hours | 3 Cameras ALL DAY SERVICE includes Highlight Video & Long Version Video delivered on 4 DVDs or Blu Ray, includes Big Screen Projector |
$795 | 5 hours | Unedited Video delivered on DVD |
additional options for video
2nd Camera ceremony only | $100 | 2nd videographer (3 hrs of service) | $300 | ||||
Big Screen Projector | $100 | Highlight Video 5-9 minutes | $200 | Rehearsal (2hrs) | $225 | ||
Photo Montage 50 pics with music | $175 | Photo Montage 100 pics with music | $275 | Love Story | $700 | ||
additional DVDs | $35/ea | 3-4 DVDs | $30/ea | 5 or more copies | $25/ea | ||
blu ray DVD, first copy | $50/ea | 3-4 blu rays | $35/ea | 5 or more copies | $30/ea |