Using Pinterest

Beach St PeteOur Wedding Photographers want to personalize how they shoot to fit your style, and now Pinterest can help us do that.   As is so often the case, we get a lot of our ideas from Brides.  We have been suggesting to use a folder to keep all the pictures of poses you like, well thanks to one of our brides, (thank you Laura),   we encourage you to use Pinterist, where you can create different boards for all of your interests, whether it has something to do with your wedding or not.  If you are new to Pinterest, it is the hottest thing right now on social media, super easy to use.   You can create a board for poses that you like, maybe title it “My Wedding Pictures”.  We pin many of the more creative shots on our boards, which you can follow (click below),  and so whenever you see a shot that you really like, just re-pin it to your board.  Pinterest boards, our visually set up to allow you to scroll through many pictures quickly.   For those of you new to Pinterest, you can place a “pin it” button right on your tool bar, and whenever you are browsing the internet and see a picture on our website (or anyone’s website for that matter), just click the “Pin It” button, and it will pop up all the pictures on that page and you simply click the picture that you like, and designate which of your boards you want to pin it too.   Keep collecting shots until 2 weeks before your wedding,  then email us the link to your board.  This is a great way to give us a good visual description of the type of photography you like,  and helps you to design our services to meet your needs.Calinan-2021

We do reccomend to keep the picture requests to 10 or under.  Many of these pictures will take time to set up and in most weddings, time is usually an issue.  We love using props, however using props also take more time, and too many shots with props will most likely decrease the amount of total poses and pictures that we can do.   Click below to begin Pinning.