A Love Story Video

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November 30, 2016 4:33 pm Published by

A Love Story is a great way to show your family and friends at your reception the story of your relationship in a dramatic cinematic form.  As you can see it is not your typical photo montage.

This is the Love Story of James & Jayme with their Labradoodle Bentley.   James & Jayme  met throught Match.com and had their first date at Cooper’s Hawk Winery in Tampa in July 2013.  Jayme had just started her 2nd year of residency and James was growing his real estate business.  One week before getting engaged they brought Bentley the Labradoodle in to their family.  They will be married in December 2016 at the Palmetto Bed & Breakfast.  For more of our Love Stories see our Love Story Page.